Eagle Rank Advancement

Eagle Scout Advancement Board of Review Preparation

Scouts . . . you MUST always “CC” at least one other adult on all your communications to us.

  1. Verify the information in your Scouting record is accurate and complete. You can do this in Scoutbook. If necessary ask your Scoutmaster for help with access and any corrections that may be needed.
  2. Make sure you have completed all the requirements through Item 6 on the Eagle Scout Rank Application form.
  3. Calculate all the service hours that have been contributed by yourself, your parents, adviser, scoutmaster, youth, and other helpers, and be ready to add the total hours to your Eagle Scout Rank Application form.

An electronic signature  is a signature in electronic form that is captured digitally and then added to a document. An electronic signature serves the same purpose as a handwritten signature identifying the person who signed the document.

A digital signature such as Adobe Sign is an advanced form of electronic signature that provides additional security and verification of the signer’s identity through cryptographic techniques. Once signed, the form is ‘locked’ and may not be edited. However, you may use your computer’s ‘Print to PDF’ feature to create an editable version which we can and will accept.
  1. Scoutbook’s Report function. Use this feature to create a fillable PDF Eagle Scout Rank Application form. Scoutbook will insert your Personal and Merit Badge information.*
  2. References You must provide name and contact information for each Referee. Employer is optional. If there is no religious affiliation, you may provide the name of the parent/guardian not listed on Line 1.  
  3. Positions of Responsibility (Requirement 4). Check to make sure this is correct.
  4. Signatures. Use Adobe’s ‘Fill and Sign’ or ‘Sign’  feature for yours and your Scoutmaster and Committee Chair’s signatures. (see previous section on electronic vs digital signatures)
  5. Email the Application form to our Council Registrar who will verify your record, sign the form, and email it back to you. You must have this verification signature before we can hold your review board.
  6. Prepare a ‘Statement of ambitions and life purpose‘ as required in Item 6 of the application form.
  7. Record the service hours contributed by your self and all those who participated in the project.

* You may download a copy of the current form – Eagle Scout Rank Application – but are at risk of failing the Registrar’s verification signature if you are relying on Troop records and not those of Scouting America.

This is a video that addresses a Unit’s responsibility for entering a Scout’s advancement information in Scoutbook with particular reference to those positions of responsibility that are Eagle requirements.

It also steps through how to use the Report function in Scoutbook to generate a pdf form with some fields already filled in with data from Scouting America’s records.

  1. Update your online folder. The following documents are required:
    ♦ The three sections of your Service Project Workbook.
    ♦ The signed Project Proposal Approvals page and the signed Project Report completion page.
    ♦ Your Eagle Scot Rank Application form with our Council Registrar’s verification signature
    ♦ Your Statement of ambition and life purpose
  2. Put any Diagrams, Photos, and Supplemental information in the appropriate folders.
  3. Include a shareable link to this folder when you book your appointment.

You are the owner of the online folder. As such, you control access to its content. We recommend that the sharing option is only active prior to a review board. After the review, you should revoke sharing. If we need to revisit, we will ask your permission to allow access.


Diagram for Eagle Rank application documentation.

Go to the APPOINTMENTS page on the District website and submit your appointment request. The cut off for scheduling an appointment is 6:00pm on the Wednesday preceding the week in which you are requesting an appointment.  Select a day/time that will work for you and your Adviser.

  1. Before scheduling an appointment, work with your Adviser to make sure your online folder is accessible (shareable) and the required content is complete. We will automatically cancel appointments where the link is inaccessible or incomplete and let you know why. You will need to make a new appointment.
  2. You may consider that you have secured that time slot. We will contact you if circumstances change for some reason and we have to re-schedule.
  3. Remember to share the appointment details with your Adviser.
  1. Assuming all your paperwork and binder content is complete, we will schedule a Zoom meeting for the day and time you requested and confirm your appointment not later than 24 hours beforehand.
  2. At your review, you will have an opportunity to talk about you project. Your review board will you ask how your project allowed you to demonstrate planning and leadership.
  3. In addition, they will ask about your Scouting experience, what Scouting means to you, how it’s affected the way you conduct yourself, and what you plan to do to help keep the program going in the future. 

After your review board approves your rank advancement, we encourage you to go to the Council’s Eagles website check out the Eagles Wall and consider joining the Eagles Nest – it’s free!


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